Serving the community for over 35 years!

Promote your business or organization with AGLA!

Do you support LGBTQ equality? Imagine being able to reach hundreds of LGBTQ and allied individuals in Northern Virginia with your your custom ad featured prominently printed and electronic publications produced by AGLA. Some of the publications and promotion opportunities include:

1. An advertisement in the AGLA quarterly newsletter
. Our newsletter is mailed to over 400 individuals who have a strong commitment to supporting those who support LGBTQ equality. Rates when purchasing ads for 4 editions are $200 for 1/2 page ads in each newsletter or $120 for 1/4 page ads in each newsletter. Individual ad can be purchased for $75 per 1/2 page or $45 per 1/4 page.

2. An advertisement in the Miss Gay Arlington pageant program
. The 2018 Miss Gay Arlington pageant will be held at Freddie’s Beach Bar & Restaurant on Friday, April 27th. At this standing room only event all attendees receive a copy of the FULL COLOR program. Following the event the program is e-mailed to out reach nearly 2,000 additional individuals. Your ad will definitely get noticed. Full page (8″ tall x 5″ wide) are only $75 and half page ads (3.75″ tall x 5″ wide) are only $40.

3. An advertisement in the AGLA Update electronic newsletter
. Our e-mail newsletter goes out nearly 2,000 people in the Northern Virginia area. Your ad will definitely get noticed. You may submit a picture of your business card, logo or a custom ad for the audience. A hyperlink to your website will be included. There is some flexibility on image size, so just send us what you’ve got.

Placing ads in AGLA’s publications is easy and affordable. Contact us former details about rates and other oppotunities we have to collaborate with your business or organization.




Mailing Address:

PO Box 100324

Arlington, VA 22210
