October 5, 2018
Professionals in the City is partnering with Alexandria/Arlington Gay Lesbian Alliance (AGLA) for a Speed Dating event in Old Town Alexandria, Virginia! All gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer men are invited where guests will participate in a classic seated speed dating with the opportunity to meet several new people in an intimate and romantic setting!
Tickets $30.00
Also, the promo code will be "AGLA" (i.e., without the quote marks) for people to get $5 off the $30 price. The promo code is only good for advance tix sales, not at the door.
If folks have questions or need help with their order they can contact our CS at dc@prosinthecity.com or call 202-686-5990
We have arranged with the venue to provide 3-hour complimentary valet parking to anybody at our event who purchases two drinks or other items from the bar or restaurant (subject to availability).